The following list presents the available academic and non-academic sources surrounding the presence, history, and activity of the extra-parliamentary radical milieu of Cyprus. It includes relevant academic papers, theses, magazine articles, recordings, documentaries, online articles and archives.
Academic Sources
On 20th Century
- Antonis Pastellopoulos (2017) ‘Cyprus Belongs to Its Mouflons’: Cypriot Anarchist Ideology in the Post Partitioned Republic of Cyprus (1985 to 1994). Dissertation (Undergraduate), Glasgow: University of Glasgow.
- Antonis Pastellopoulos (2022) ‘Federation or Death’: The Beginnings and Early Ideology of Cypriot Anarchism. Anarchist Studies, 30 (1), pp. 58-82.
On 21st Century
- Pafsanias Karathanasis (2017) Από τα Κάτω Δραστηριοποίηση και Έξοδος από την Οριακότητα: Δημόσιες Εκδηλώσεις και Δράσεις στην Εντός των Τειχών Λευκωσία [Organizing from Below and Escaping Marginality: Public Events and Actions in the Walled City of Nicosia]. Thesis (PhD), Mytilene: University of the Aegean.
- Georgina Christou (2018) Children out of Place with Childhood: Pupils’ Assemblies, Direct Action, Serious Play and Public Space in Youth’s Autonomous Horizontal Politics in Cyprus. Thesis (PhD), Falmer: University of Sussex.
- Antonis Pastellopoulos (2018) Demarcating the ‘Cypriot Core’: Ideology and Pluralistic Cyprocentric Identification in the post-partitioned Republic of Cyprus. Thesis (Master’s), Amsterdam: University of Amsterdam.
- Gregoris Ioannou (2019) Social Activism and the City: Cultural Sociology and Radical Politics in 21st Century Cyprus. The Cyprus Review 31 (1), pp. 209-238.
On Occupy Buffer Zone (2011-12)
- Marco Antonsich (2012) ‘OccupyBufferZone’: Practices of Borderline Resistance in a Space of Exception. Area, 45 (2), pp. 170-178.
- Petros Siammas (2013) Sensory Stories: A Building in Question. The Cyprus Dossier, Issue 5, pp. 51-55.
- Murat Erdal Ilican (2013) The Occupy Buffer Zone Movement: Radicalism and Sovereignty in Cyprus. The Cyprus Review, 25 (1), pp. 55-79.
- Eirini Iliopoulou & Pafsanias Karathanasis (2014) Towards a Radical Politics: Grassroots Urban Activism in the Walled City of Nicosia. The Cyprus Review 26 (1), pp. 169-192.
Non-Academic Sources
- Demetrios Hadjidemetriou (2024) Interview: Cypriot Worker—a forgotten episode in the history of the SWP. International Socialism: A Quarterly Journal of Socialist Theory.
- Antonis Pastellopoulos (2023) Οι Ξεχασμένοι Τροτσκιστές της Κύπρου [The Forgotten Trotskyists of Cyprus]. English version.
- Fedonas Theodorou (1978) Σ.Ν. ΕΔΕΝ: Κρίση - Μια Σύντομη Αναφορά [Socialist Youth EDEN: Crisis - A Short Mention]. Δελτίο Συζήτησης [Deltio Sizitisis], Issue 3, pp. 19-22.
- A.P. (1987) Σκέψεις για τον Χώρο στην Κύπρο [Thoughts on the Milieu in Cyprus]. Δοκιμή [Dokimi], Issue 11, pp. 6-7.
- Andreas Panayiotou (1994) Γενιές Ανεξαρτησίας - Ο Μετά-Αποικιακός Άνθρωπος [The Independence Generations - the Postcolonial Human]. Τραίνο στην Πόλη [Train in the City], Issue 11, pp. 38-45.
- nekatomata (2007) Που το Πολιτιστικό Κέντρο Καρτάς στο Στέκι Αρσινόης 5: μια Ιστορία ενός Χώρου 2003-2007 [From the Kardas Cultural Centre to Arsinois 5: A History of a Milieu 2003-2007]. Nekatomata blog.
- nekatomata (2018) 2007-2018: Η Συνέχεια μιας Αφήγησης, η Κίνηση τζιαι οι Χώροι [2007-2018: The Continuation of a Narrative, the Movement and the Milieus]. Nekatomata blog.
- Costis Ahniotis & Andreas Panayiotou (2017) Ριζοσπαστικές Αφηγήσεις για το Κυπριακό που το 1970 τζιαι Μετά [Radical Narratives about the Cyprus Problem from 1970 and After]. Audio recording of a presentation and discussion organised by the anti-authoritarian group Syspirosi Atakton.
- TONGUE (2019) Documentary by Panagiotis Achniotis & Andreas Anastasiadis, tracing the life of pro-reunification leftist activist Costis Achniotis. Alternative Link.
- Ntinos Agiomamitis (2021) Η Ιστορία και η Παράδοση της Εργατικής Δημοκρατίας [The History and Tradition of Workers' Democracy]. Online presentation and discussion organised by the leftist group Ergatiki Dimokratia [Workers' Democracy].
- Cyprus Movements Archive (2016-Ongoing). Online open-access archive with primary sources originating from the extra-parliamentary Cypriot milieu.
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